Monday, September 29, 2008

Maughan & Maughan LC attorney to be licensed to practice law in Missouri.

Kate Zigtema, an associate attorney with Maughan & Maughan LC, recently received word that she had passed the Missouri Bar exam. The announcement clears the way for Ms. Zigtema to take the oath and be sworn in as an attorney in the State of Missouri. Ms. Zigtema is currently a licensed attorney in the State of Kansas where she practices in the area of criminal law with Maughan & Maughan LC.

We congratulate Kate on her achievement. Her decision to sit for the Missouri Bar Exam and the results speak highly of her dedication and commitment.

Kate's admission to the Missouri Bar will allow Maughan & Maughan to better serve our clients, allowing the law firm to represent our clients' interests and defend their rights, not only in Kansas, but accross the State line in Missouri. We look forward to the opportunity to expand the services we are able to provide to our clients.

Congratulations, Kate.

Carl F.A. Maughan
Attorney at Law
Maughan & Maughan LC
200 West Douglas Suite 350
Wichita Kansas 67202
316.264.2023 (tel)
316.264.1919 (fax)

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