Saturday, June 28, 2008

Maughan & Maughan LC listed in top 25 law firms.

Maughan & Maughan LC ranks 24th amongst the top 25 law firms in Wichita according to the June 20, 2008 issue of the Wichita Business Journal. The Wichita Business Journal publishes an annual list of the top twenty five law firms in the city as ranked by firm size. Maughan & Maughan LC moved up one position this year over the 2007 list in which the firm was ranked as the 25th largest firm in Wichita.

The fact that Maughan & Maughan LC, a firm which is barely four years old, is even ranked as one of the firms listed in the Business Journal's survey of Wichita law firms is an accomplishment. We are pleased that we have moved up in the rankings over last year. The continued growth and success of the firm is a tribute to the dedication of our attorneys and staff who strive on a daily basis to ensure that we are able to provide client centered representation for our clients in a variety of practice areas including the defense of those accused of crimes, family law, juvenile rights, appellate advocacy, personal injury, civil litigation and other areas of legal practice. We have made it our mission to defend the rights and protect the interests of our clients against all adversaries. This mission has propelled the firm to greater status and size over the last four years and we expect this growth and development to continue in the years to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Car, Faith, Kate, Mat, Darcie, Meghan, Jessica,

Congratulations to all on the firm’s elevation in this year’s Wichita law firm ranking.


Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success
Henry Ford