Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

The attorneys and staff of Maughan & Maughan LC would like wish our friends, families, clients and colleagues a happy thanksgiving. We pray that you and yours will have a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend and that you will find the time to thank your God for the blessings you have, for we all have some.

We would like to express our thanks to all those who have gone before us who have lived and fought, struggled and died to create a nation and a legal and political system which President Ronald Reagan so aptly described as a shining city on a hill. We pray for the strength to fulfill our duty and responsibility as Americans to live and fight, to struggle and perhaps die to preserve this nation, its ideals and its philosophy for future generations of Americans. After all, the pre-amble of the Constitution tells us that our political / legal system was established to – “secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity”

The rights and interests which we at Maughan & Maughan LC strive to defend on a daily basis have been given to us by God but maintained through the generations by those who have gone before us. Without those who put their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor at risk to found this nation and all those who have worked to maintain it for the next generation there may not be any significant rights for us, as lawyers, to defend.

We are grateful for those who have taken their responsibility to secure and pass on the blessings of liberty to another generation seriously and seek to honor them by doing the same.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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